Bringing Learning Home

The other day in another course, the question was raised, how could you integrate school literacy skills into the home environment or vice versa. An article can be found here for further information if you’re interested on this topic.

It was suggested that since the students may play games on the computer once they get home after school that it may be beneficial to the students in bridging the divide to set homework that they can do at home such as educational games. This way they are still doing what they would normally do at home, however they will be bringing learning into their home environment.

It was argued in the class that students should not get this type of thing as homework as it would be unfair to the students who do not have access to this kind of technology at home.

I did not agree with this. I do agree that it is unfair, but I still believe that the homework can still be set as an optional task, and then that way if students want to they still can, and if they don’t want to they don’t have to. If the students who do not have access to this technology at home want to complete this optional task, they can talk to their teacher about it, and they could arrange time for the students to play this game either in their free time in class, or at lunch time. This way no one misses out. 

What do you think of this concept to help bridge the divide between brining a learning environment into the home environment?

Until next time,

Keep smiling!


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